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Greek / Canadian 

ck Name: Greek / Canadian
Real Name: Lambros
Age: 16

Home Page:
City: Vancouver, British Columbia
Country: Canada
Languages: Greek, English, French
Origin:  Karditsa , Rodos, Greece
Time On Line: Evenings
Favorite topic: Anything 
Remarks: My roots are Greek; my soil is Canadian. I do not gossip with my Greek pals about others and I don’t say the word “eh” after every sentence. I like soccer and hockey but not golf! Like every other Greek I’m a lover; not a fighter…Like every other Canadian I believe in peace keeping; not war. I can speak Greek fluently, I can speak English fluently, but my French needs a little work. I do not know Rick, Bob, and Samantha from Canada but neither do I know Yiannis, Mixalhs or Manolis from Greece. My name is Lambros and I’m a Greek, Canadian!!!!!!!!!!